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文章来源:城乡矿山集成技术研究室  |  发布时间:2024-06-24  |  【打印】 【关闭


应EMC易倍体育可再生能源重点实验室和广东省新能源和可再生能源研究开发与应用重点实验室的邀请,法国巴黎西岱大学Yacine Boufkhad副教授将于2024年6月26日(周三)来访并举行学术报告会。报告会安排如下:

时间:6月26日 10:30-12:00


报告题目:Models for Predicting CO2 Concentration

报告摘要:Based on air quality parameter data (carbon dioxide ,temperature and humidity) recorded over several months in a classroom, two approaches are proposed for predicting the evolution of CO2 levels over time: one based on a physical model, and the other on various deep learning models. The learning models are compared with each other and with the physical model. The goal of this analysis is, for example, to enable the optimization of ventilation control through advance knowledge of exceeding allowable CO2 levels. Various models are developed depending on the information provided to the system (CO2 level alone, with temperature and humidity, or with the occupancy data of the room, etc.). The presentation is constructed as an introduction to the different deep learning architectures used and does not require any prior knowledge of the field.

报告人简介:Yacine Boufkhad is an associate professor at the University Institute of Technology at the University of Paris. He teaches computer science and data processing. He is a member of the Interdisciplinary Energy Laboratory, where he works on applying machine learning techniques to problems related to energy and air quality. He was the head of the Department of Physical Measurements at the University Institute of Technology and now manages corporate contacts for various projects and student internships within companies. Previously, he was at the Theoretical Computer Science Laboratory IRIF, where he conducted research in the theoretical fields of complexity, satisfiability, graphs and networks.


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