文章来源: | 发布时间:2023-08-22 | 【打印】 【关闭】
二、报告题目:Biobased chemical and fuel synthesis: opportunities and challenges for process intensification in continuous flow microreactors
摘要:Microreactor technology as a typical means of process internsification hold great promises for carrying out chemical synthesis in an efficient and sustainable manner. This is primarily due to significantly boosted transport rates and fine reaction process control rendered by continuous flow processing in miniaturized reaction channels. In recent years, microreactor technology has shown numerous opportunities in the area of biorefinery towards manufacturing biobased chemicals and fuels.
In this presentation, an overview of our recent research highlights on the use of homogeneous as well heterogeneous catalysis in microreactors for biobased chemical transformation will be provided. Particular examples include the conversion of carbohydrates to furanics, the oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to promising polymer building blocks, hydrogenation of levulinic acid to biobased transportation fuels and solvents, as well as the synthesis of biodiesel. The flow, interfacial mass transfer, catalysis, kinetics and reaction behavior in microreactors will be discussed, via a combination of experimental characterization and microreactor modelling. The challenges ahead for the widespread use of microreactors in this emerging field will be further discussed in the end.
Jun Yue earned his PhD in Process Engineering from Universit de Savoie in France in 2008, supported by a joint PhD program with Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in China. Since 2014, he has moved to the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and is currently associate professor in green process intensification. The research group of Dr. Jun Yue focuses on developing novel reactor and process intensification concepts in general, and their uses combined with catalysis for highly efficient synthesis of green fuels, chemicals and materials in particular. He has published 64 papers in peer-reviewed SCI journals such as AIChE Journal, Applied Catalysis B, Chemical Engineering Journal and Green Chemistry (H-index:27; total citations > 3000).
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