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文章来源:重点实验室  |  发布时间:2023-07-19  |  【打印】 【关闭


  应EMC易倍体育可再生能源重点实验室和广东省新能源和可再生能源研究开发与应用重点实验室的邀请,雅典国立技术大学副教授Evangelos Topakas博士将于724日上午10:00-11:30作学术报告。具体事项如下:   




  二、报告题目Moving towards biomass and plastic biorefineries  

  摘要:Lignocellulosic biomass (LCB) is the most abundant renewable resource on Earth, and more than 30 years of research have been devoted to its valorisation as a viable alternative to petroleum-based fuels, chemicals, and materials. Naturally occurring microorganisms, such as fungi and bacteria, contain a rich enzymatic arsenal for the complete degradation of LCB polymers to the respective monomers. The exploitation of this enzymatic machinery could permit the efficient depolymerisation of LCB and the upgrading of the resulting monomers. Recently, accumulating data on the discovery of novel enzyme activities tend to revolutionize the way microbial lignocellulose degradation was perceived. In this regard, the lecture will focus on the activities of the Industrial Biotechnology and Biocatalysis group (InduBioCat) on producing a variety of products on behalf of 2nd generation Biorefinery concept. In addition, a summary will be provided in the discovery of novel enzymes through the functional annotation of gene sequences including omics technologies for breaking down the recalcitrant part of LCB. Emphasis will be given in the recent discovery of xylobiohydrolase activity found in the family of fungal GH30 glucuronoxylan-specific xylanases that changed our concept in the mode of action of hemicellulases. The strong synergistic interaction of xylobiohydrolase with a novel xylan-active AA14 lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase (LPMO), indicates that both enzymes might have a major role in the degradation of recalcitrant xylan, contributing to the design of next-generation enzymatic cocktails for the saccharification of woody lignocellulosic biomass.  

  At the end of the lecture, all the valuable knowledge of the enzymatic decomposition of LCB will be discussed towards the decomposition and upgrading of synthetic polymers, such as plastics. Such transfer of knowledge from LCB degradation to a plastic waste-based Biorefinery shows great potential, even though the latter concept is still in its infancy with great success in the enzymatic degradation of PET. The biological recycling of the carbon locked in recalcitrant plastics using green pre-treatment methods mimicking the 2nd generation Biorefinery can offer a sustainable solution to the plastic waste problem.  


  Evangelos Topakas is an Associate Professor leading the Industrial Biotechnology and Biocatalysis group (InduBioCat) in the School of Chemical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. His primary objective is to develop lignocellulolytic enzymes to be utilized for the production of energy and added-value products in the concept of Industrial Biorefineries. Recently, his research team is focused in the discovery of novel enzymatic activities for the degradation of recalcitrant xylan as well as synthetic polymers. Such discoveries will allow the design of next-generation enzymatic cocktails for the efficient saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass or for breaking down plastics.  


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