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文章来源:  |  发布时间:2017-04-07  |  【打印】 【关闭


  应EMC易倍体育天然气水合物重点实验室和广东省新能源和可再生能源研究开发与应用重点实验室的邀请,瑞典皇家理工学院和梅拉达伦大学严晋跃教授,加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学教授Peter Englezos韩国工业技术研究院Ju Dong Lee教授,印度理工学院Rajnish Kumar博士,新加坡国立大学Praveen Linga博士,将于2017410(周一)日来访并举行学术报告会。报告会安排如下: 













Smart Multi-Energy Systems (sMES) 


Peter Englezos 


Gas hydrate technology for CO2 capture and storage-recent progress 


Ju Dong Lee 


Study of hydrate-based seawater desalination and introduction of multi-phase flow loop in KITECH for flow assurance 


Praveen Linga 


Clathrate hydrate: A technology enabler for innovative and sustainable applications 


Rajnish Kumar 


Methane Recovery from Marine Gas Hydrates through Experimentation and MD (Molecular Dynamics) Simulation 


  1. 严晋跃 教授 欧洲科学院院士 

  Dr. Yan is professor of Energy Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and M lardalen University, Sweden; Director of Future Energy Profile; Editor-in-Chief of Applied Energy (IF=5.714, Elsevier); Editor-in-Chief of Handbook of Clean Energy Systems (Wiley). He is an active member of European Academy of Sciences and Arts. 

  Prof. Yan received his PhD at KTH in 1991. During 2001 to 2005, Dr. Yan was chair professor and head of Energy Engineering at Lule University of Technology, Sweden. Prof. Yan’s research interests include simulation and optimization of advanced energy systems incl. advanced power generation; renewable energy (bioenergy and solar);carbon capture and storage; clean development mechanism (CDM); and fundamental engineering thermodynamics. Prof. Yan published about 400 papers including the paper in Science, Nature Climate Change and special feature article in ASME Mechanical Engineering. 

  Prof. Yan is the Conf. Chair of International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE2009 (Hong Kong) ICAE2010 (Singapore), ICAE2011 (Italy), ICAE2012 (China) and ICAE2013 (South Africa), ICAE2014 (Taipei), ICAE2015 (Abu Dhabi), ICAE2016 (Beijing), and ICAE2017 (Cardiff). He is aneditorial board member of several international journals, including Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Energy Storage, Int. J. of Energy Research (Wiley), Int. J. of Green Energy (F&T), Energy Engineering and Science (Wiley), Scientific Review (China), and Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering (Springer). He also serves as the advisory expert to the United Nation, European Union Commission, and Asian Development Bank, and other international organizations; Overseas Assessor of Chinese Academy of Sciences; and academic adviser to Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong City University etc.  

  2.Peter Englezos教授 加拿大科学院院士 

   Dr. Peter Englezos is Professor and Head of the Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering at the University of British Columbia (UBC). He is an internationally recognized expert on clathrate or gas hydrates, carbon capture and storage and chemical thermodynamics. He has published extensively and is among the most cited researchers in the field of gas hydrates. He taught courses on thermodynamics, conceptual process design and optimization. He has served on several University committees at various levels and also Nationally and Internationally including tenure and promotion, review of academic programs, expert panels, review of research proposals, editorial board member and others. Currently, he serves in the steering committee for UBC’s Strategic Plan. Dr. Englezos received several honours/awards including UBC Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Faculty Research Fellowship, Fellow of the Tokyo Electric Power Company Chair at Keio University and Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.      

  3.Ju Dong Lee     

  Dr. Ju Dong Lee has 20 years of industry and academic experience working of environmental and chemical engineering field in various positions. 

  He obtained BS (1989) and MS (1997) degrees from Kyoungpook National University (Korea) in Chemical Engineering, and PhD degree (2001) from the same university in Environmental Engineering.  

  He has studied at Department of Chemical Engineering in the University of British Columbia (Canada)as a postdoctoral research fellow during 2002-2006.Then he joined at Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH). 

  He was an Adjunct Professor at School of Mechanical Engineering in Pusan National University during 2007 -2009. 

  Currently he is Executive Director of Offshore Plant Resources R&D Center in KITECH. 

  During the past 15 years Dr. Lee has made excellent contributions to the field of Clathrate or gas hydrates, especially he has demonstrated hydrate-based sweater desalination pilot plant (2ton/day) and multi-phase flow loop (4inch, 100m) for flow assurance.     

  4.Rajnish Kumar    

  Dr.Rajnish Kumar has recently joined as a faculty in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. He has served as Senior Scientist at National Chemical Laboratory, Pune – India (NCL). He also serves as a visiting faculty in China University of Petroleum, Beijing - China and spends two weeks every year at the Beijing campus. Rajnishdid is postdoctoral research at Steacie Institute of Molecular Sciences, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa - Canada. He holds a PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of British Columbia, Canada and a master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. The focus of his current research is un-conventional energy, carbon dioxide capture, process development and scale-up. His research is specifically focussed on developing technology and methods to recover methane trapped in natural gas hydrates which is considered as a potential energy resource; methane is the cleanest burning fossil fuel that can mitigate global warming in the near term future. Natural gas hydrates is an unconventional fossil fuel energy which is a source of methane gas, trapped in crystalline ice like structure in permafrost regions and beneath the sea floor in outer continental margins. Dr. Kumar and his research group is working closely with industries to understand gas hydrates at molecular level, its energy potential and to develop sustainable solutions for exploitation of marine gas hydrates reserves in India. His research works on developing novel methods for carbon capture employing water as solvent via clathrate process has had a significant scientific impact. His research has led to more than 60 publications in top engineering and chemistry journals like AngewantdeChemie, JACS, PNAS with an h-index of 28. For the year 2016, he has been awarded highly prestigious NASI-SCOPUS Young Scientist Award in Chemistry. For more information visit https://sites.google.com/site/rajnishresearchgroup/     

  5.Praveen Linga 

  Praveen LINGA is an AssociateProfessor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He is the co-lead for natural gas research at the Centre for Energy Research & Technology (CERT) in NUS. He also serves as an Associate Editor in the Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (Elsevier UK). His research interests are in the areas of clathrate (gas) hydrates, flow assurance, storage and transport of fuels, carbon capture storage & utilization (CCS & U) and recovery of energy. His research group at NUSparticularly focuses on enhancing the kinetics of hydrate formation for several systems of interest pertaining to carbon dioxide capture, storage of natural gas/hydrogen as clathratehydrates and seawater desalination. Up to date, he has published more than 65 research articles and delivered about 50 keynote/invited talks and seminars.His research has received several most cited paper awards from reputed journals in engineering and energy domain. He has secured competitive research grants to the tune of about S$ 9.5 million in the past five years. His research has yielded more than 3100 citations with an h index of 31. For more information about his research, please visit: http://gashydrates.chbe.nus.edu.sg     







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