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1.     Xiaobin Gu, Kaijun Dong, Lihua Peng*, Liang Bian, Qin Sun, Weimin Luo, Bobo ZhangRound-the-clock interfacial solar vapor generator enabled by form-stable phase change materials with enhanced photothermal conversion capacityEnergy Conversion and Management2023.277 :116634SCI收录)

2.     Xiaobin Gu, Cheng Fan, Yongjun Sun*Multilevel design strategies of high-performance interfacial solar vapor generation: A state of the art reviewChemical Engineering Journal2023460141716SCI收录)

3.     Yuping Li*, Fenghua Tan, Jiangang Peng, Mi Feng, Yuhe Liao, Weimin LuoKaijun Dong**, Jinxing LongExergy analysis of alternative configurations of biomass gasification-mixed alcohol production system via catalytic synthesis and fermentation2023,280:128136SCI收录)

4.     Weinan Zhou, Qin Sun*, Weimin Luo, Wei Xiao, Pengfei Cui, Wei Wu, Kaijun Dong, Performance analysis and optimization of free cooling strategies for a liquid-cooled data center, Building Simulation, 2023,23:12273SCI收录)

5.     Bobo Zhang*, Qin Sun, Lin Su, Kaijun Dong*, Weimin Luo, Haifeng Guan, Zhenhua Shao, Wei Wu. Anti-Condensation Temperature Control Strategy of the Concrete Radiant Roof, energies, 2023, 16: 4826SCI收录)

6.     Dongji Wu, Xiaobin Gu*, Qin Sun, Weimin Luo, Bobo Zhang, Jiangang Peng, Liang Bian, Kaijun Dong*. Thermal conductivity enhancement of diatomite-based composite phase change materials by interfacial reduction deposition of Cu nanoparticlesJournal of Energy Storage2023,61106861SCI收录)

7.     Xiaobin Gu, Lihua Peng*, Peng Liu, Liang Bian, Boxuan Wei. Enhanced thermal properties and lab-scale thermal performance of polyethylene glycol/modi?ed halloysite nanotube form-stable phase change material cement panel, Construction and Building Materials.2022.323:126550-61 SCI收录)

8.     Weinan Zhou, Kaijun Dong*, Qin Sun, Weimin Luo, Bobo Zhang, Shengli Guan, Guangwu Wang. Research progress of the liquid cold plate cooling technology for server electronic chips: A review, International journal of energy research. 2022.4:1-12 SCI收录)

9.     Kaijun Dong, Xiaobin Gu, Lihua Peng*, Peng Liu, Shuai Jiang, Liang Bian*. Recent advancements in typical mineral-encapsulated form-stable phase change materials for thermal energy storage, Journal of Energy Storage. 2022.52:104931-58 SCI收录)

10.  Sun Qin, Wang Hao, Dong,Kaijun*,  Lv Tai, Kang Zhibo. Experimental study on the thermal performance of a novel physically separated chilled water storage tankJournal of energy storage2021.40102628-102636 SCI收录)

11.  Zhang YaokangSu  Lin*Xu ZhaoyangDong Kaijun*, Liu Jing. Experimental Thermal Study of Ice Slurry Production System Equipped With Direct Contact Heat Exchanger and Spiral NozzleJournal of thermal science and engineering applications2021.134):1022-1030 SCI收录)

12.  Liu Jing, Su Lin*, Dong Kaijun*, Sun Qin, Shao Zhenhua, Huang GongshengOptimal setting parameters of cooling system under different climate zones for data center energy efficiencyInternational journal of energy research2021.457):10086-10099 SCI收录)

13.  Su Lin, Huang Zhilin, Dong Kaijun*. Thermal Environment Analysis and Improvement on Isolated Cold Aisle Data Centers. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications.2020.12(4)041018-1-041018-9SCI收录)

14.  Zhang Yaokang, Su Lin*, Xu Zhaoyang, Dong Kaijun*, Li Jing. Experimental thermal study of ice slurry production system equipped with direct contact heat exchanger and spiral nozzle. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications.2020 SCI收录)

15.  Jun Zhang, Kaijun Dong*, Weimin Luo. PdCl2-catalyzed hydrodeoxygenation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural into 2,5-dimethylfuran at room-temperature using polymethylhydrosiloxane as  the hydrogen donor. Chemical Engineering Journal.2019.201467-474SCI收录)

16.  Kaijun DongJun Zhang*Weimin Luo. Catalytic conversion of carbohydrates into 5-hydroxymethyl furfural over sulfonated hyper-cross-linked polymer in DMSO. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018.3341055-1064SCI收录)

17.  Jun Zhang, Kaijun Dong*, Weimin Luo, Haifeng Guan. Catalytic upgrading of carbohydrates into 5-ethoxymethylfurfural using SO3H functionalized hyper-cross-linked polymer based carbonaceous materials. Fuel. 2018.234634-673SCI收录)

18.  Guansheng Yao, Liangpeng Wu, Tai Lv, Juan Li, Yanqin Huang, Kaijun Dong*, Xinjun Li*. The effect of CuO modification for a TiO2 nanotube confined CeO2 catalyst on the catalytic combustion of butane. Open Chemistry. 2018.161-8SCI收录)

19.  Jun Zhang, Kaijun Dong*, Weimin Luo, Haifeng Guan. Selective Transfer Hydrogenation of Furfural into Furfuryl Alcohol on Zr-Containing Catalysts Using Lower Alcohols as Hydrogen Donors. ACS Omega.2018.36):6206-6216SCI收录)

20.  Kaijun Dong, Jun Zhang*, Weimin Luo, Lin Su, Zhilin Huang. Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenation of Ethyl Levulinate into-Valerolactone Over Zirconium Oxide Derived from Zirconyl Nitrate. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy.2017.11554-556SCI收录)

21.  Sen Zhang, Weimin Luo, Xu Yang, Tai Lv, Yanqin Huang, Kaijun Dong*, Xinjun Li. MnO2 Nanoparticles Confined in TiO2 Nanotubes for Catalytic Combustion of Butane. Chemistry Select.2017.216):4557-4560SCI收录)

22.  Kang Zhibo, Shao Zhenhua*, Su Lin, Dong Kaijun*, Liu Hongxian. Experimental Study and Energy-Saving Analysis on Cooling Effect with Large Temperature Difference and High Temperature of Chilled Water System in Data Center. Environmental Science and Engineering.2020:933-942EI收录)

23.  Liu Jing, Su Lin*, Dong Kaijun*, Liu Xueliang. Critical temperature of free cooling using indirect opening cooling tower in data centres: a review. International Journal of Ambient Energy.2019.11-6EI收录)

24.  Zhilin Huang, Kaijun Dong*, Qin Sun, Lin Su, Tengqing Liu. Numerical Simulation and Comparative Analysis of Different Airflow Distributions in Data Centers. Procedia Engineering.2017.2052378-2385EI收录)

25.  Kaijun Dong, Pingjie Li, Zhilin Huang. Research on Free Cooling of Data Centers by Using Indirect Cooling of Open Cooling Tower. Procedia Engineering.2017.2052831-2838EI收录)

26.  Yaokang ZhangLin Su*, Kaijun Dong*, Tengqing Liu. Experimental study of ice slurry production system using direct contact heat transfer of RC318 and water in a horizontal pipe. Energy Procedia. 2019.1584495-4501EI收录)

27.  Hao WangQin Sun*Tai LvKaijun Dong*. Characteristics of a Large Temperature Difference Chilled Water Storage Tank with Bag-shaped Interlayer .Energy Procedia.2019.1594708-4714EI收录)

28.  Heng ZhangLin Su*Tai LvKaijun Dong*. Coupling Heat Pump and Vacuum Drying Technology for Urban Sludge Processing. Energy Procedia.2019.1591804-1810EI收录)

29.  Haifeng GUAN, Lin SU, Kaijun DONG, Bobo ZHANG. Research Progress of Radiation Refrigeration Materials, Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. 2022:526-535EI收录)

30.  Chao Guo, Quan Zhang, Kaijun Dong. Numerical and experimental analysis of optimal match of capillary tube length and refrigerant charge of small refrigerating capacity air conditioner[C], Proceedings of APEC Conference on Low-carbon Towns and Physical Energy Storage, Changsha, 2013, 381-386

31.  Li Ling, Quan Zhang, Kaijun Dong, Shuguang Liao. Experimental investigation on heat transfer of asymmetric microchannel separate heat pipe[C], Proceedings of APEC Conference on Low-carbon Towns and Physical Energy Storage, Changsha, 2013, 726-731

32.  Dong Kaijun, Wang Zhiqiang, Hu Baohu, Hu Wenge, Chen Zhaojie. The application of ice slurry for cooling milk[C], Proceedings of APEC Conference on Low-carbon Towns and Physical Energy Storage, Changsha, 2013, 634-642  

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